在最新的2018美国高中留学申请政策中,新提出对学生的综合素质进行考核——Character Skills Snapshots(性格特征快速测试)。目前不少美国高中的招生团队将使用此测试作为审核程序的补充部分来应用,它将与其它参考资料包括SSAT考试成绩、面试成绩、推荐信和其它信息共同构成申请者的综合评定。那么如何完成Character Skills Snapshots测试呢? 普林顿国际教育手把手带你通过Character Skills Snapshot SSAT性格测试,详情如下:
阅读详细的操作流程请点击:参加SSAT考试的考生 / 只参加性格测试的考生
注册过程中的第7步是要求登陆学生账户(Student Account),
请登陆家长SSAT账户,点击右上角“Manage Accounts(管理账户)”,点击“Student”,然后设置“Student username”,然后点击“Reset Password”,输入新密码后就完成了。孩子没有账户和密码是不能够完成性格测试的。
设置完成后,点击右上角“Log off”退出家长账户,用学生的用户名和密码登陆。然后就看到了上图Step 7中的界面。然后按照测试流程中的介绍就可以开始考试了。
Character Skills Snapshots题型
· The first type (19 questions) presents three statements and asks students to select the statements that are most and least like them.
· The second type (10 scenarios) presents students with a number of scenarios with four different responses to each. Students rate the appropriateness of each response on a four-point scale (from not appropriate to very appropriate).
一、 必选题(选择MOST Like Me或者LEAST Like Me)
1. I enjoy difficult tasks. 我喜欢艰巨任务。
2. I easily adapt when plans change. 当计划有变时我能很快适应。
3. It is difficult for me to concentrate when I am stressed.当我压力大时我很难集中精力。
1. I enjoy trying new things.我喜欢尝试新鲜事物。
2. I usually avoid my friends when they are upset.在我的朋友觉得沮丧时,我通常会避开他们。
3. I follow through on my commitments to others.我坚守对他人的承诺。
1. I tend to do things at the last minute.我通常把事情拖到最后一秒再做。
2. I look for opportunities to expand my thinking. 我寻找机会扩充自己的思想。
3. I try to resolve disagreements between my friends. 我尝试解决朋友们之间的意见分歧。
二、 情景判断题(程度选项从1到4,从not appropriate到very appropriate)
Kainoa is assigned a group project, and the group needs to meet once after school to finish work before the deadline. The group wants to meet Tuesday afternoon, but Kainoa has baseball practice at that time.
1. Ask his coach for permission to miss practice so he can work on the group project. 从教练那里得到不去训练的允许,这样他就可以投入到团队项目中了。
2. Ask his group members to meet on another day that suits his schedule. 他为了配合自己的时间从而让他的组员们约在另外一天。
3. Tell the group that he will do his portion of the work at home and send it to them later. 告诉他的小组成员他会在家完成他的那部分工作然后发给他们。
4. Meet his group members on Tuesday rather than going to baseball practice. 周二与他的小组成员会面,而不是去棒球队训练。
Sarah is excused from class to use the restroom. When she enters the restroom, she sees an older girl who iscrying. She does not know this girl well but is concerned about seeing her so upset.
1. Turn around and leave the restroom. 转身离开洗手间。
2. Speak to the girl right away and ask if she wants someone to walk with her to the counselor’s office. 立马上前和女孩说话,并询问是否她需要有人送她去老师办公室。
3. Ask the girl if she is OK, then return to the classroom and tell the teacher what has occurred. 问问女孩她还好吗,然后回到教室跟老师说明刚刚发生的事情。
4. Ignore the girl, use the restroom, and go back to class.无视女孩,使用卫生间,然后回教室。
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